Losing my dad


I lost my dad a few days ago to cancer. He only battled for a short few months following his diagnosis. As a family we were with him when he passed away and it was beautiful to be together.

I feel like my heart is now broken and I can't believe his is actually gone. I love him so much and would do anything to see him again. 

Friends are saying all the 'right' things and being really kind but they don't truly get it. I don't think you can until you've watched your own parent pass away. 

I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but maybe just words of comfort from those that have been through it, are in it, and understand the pain. My heart is physically hurting. 

  • My heart goes out to you; it’s so very tough and there are no easy ways  to navigate the pain and loss. Other than take each moment at a time, be gentle on yourself. I lost my dear mum 16 months ago to cancer and my dad has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer we find out Monday the prognosis etc. I totally understand and it’s so shocking and heartbreaking ,devastating and you feel totally lost. Wrap yourself in the love and support of family and friends if you can. Sending you a hug wrapped in gentle warmth and strength.

  • I’m so sorry to hear this , I think losing a parent is the most excruciating thing anyone should have to go through child or adult , I was 15 when I lost my mum and now I’m 21 and it was horrible but I had to stay strong to take care of my dad but all I can say is give it time let yourself feel the emotions and be honest about how your feeling to your loved ones , it will be less painful at times but really hard the next. I hope you’re okay and I’m sending hugs ! X