My lovely wife

Hi All

My wife died on 16th Feb after an agonising experience after being diagnosed with terminal cancer in June last year. I miss her dreadfully but due to her illness I would not wish her back. After the second course of Chemo she nearly died and knowing now what we went through after this I wished she had. We have her funeral next week which in itself is stressful enough without all the other things to do when someone in your life passes away. 

  • Hello Fortinaspa

    I'm so very sorry to hear about the recent loss of your wife. Undoubtedly this is a very difficult time for you and it's understandable that you may be experiencing a whole range of emotions at the moment. 

    I know that we've many members here in the community who will understand how stressful the loss of a loved one can be. I hope that some of them post to share their stories and advice with you. 

    I hope that all goes smoothly with the funeral this week and that it brings you some sense of comfort. 

    Keep in touch Fortinaspa. We're here to listen and will do what we can to support you through this difficult time. 

    Sending my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator