Bad dreams about my mother who has passed recently

Suffering from nightmares about my mother who died October. can’t remember them all the time but when I do they are very traumatic 

  • A vey warm welcome to the forum Dona.lou although I'm so sorry to hear about the nightmares you've been having.

    This must be deeply upsetting but I hope it helps to know that some of our members have experienced this as well, so you are not alone, and hopefully you won't have to wait too long to receive some support and advice.

    Coping with grief is so tough. If this continues and/or gets worse, then it may be worth reaching out to your GP or if you feel comfortable doing so, a bereavement charity such as Cruse Bereavement Care or Sue Ryder as they offer support and guidance to anyone who is struggling with their grief and they will do all they can to work through this with you.

    I'm thinking of you Dona.lou and I really hope this starts to get better for you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator