Aunts last few hours

My aunt is in her last few hours In a hospice 3hrs away and I can't be there. were not close but I'm in flood of tears as I'm grieving the relationship we never had  and I'm compassionate to how much suffering she has gone through. This is her 2nd cancer and the one that will take her. My mum died in 2012, my father in 2017 (cancer) and i held him as he took his last breath in the hospice having not seen him in decades. No relationship with them either as its a complex family on both sides both marred by abuse by their pwn families. I saw my aunt 3 times as an adult. My mother's funeral. My uncles funeral and last week in the hospice  she knew I was coming and was excited but when I arrived it was difficult to know if she recognised me as she went down hill. Has anyone else grieved for someone they didn't have a relationship with as I'm really struggling with this guilt  her suffering has been awful and I can't imagine the pain cancer brings. My friend ded of it also last year v suddenly. 

  • A very warm welcome to the forum TashRox although I'm really sorry to hear about your aunt.

    I can't begin to imagine how difficult this must be but I'm glad you've reached out to us as many of our members have been in a similar situation so they will definitely understand the complex thoughts and feelings you are contending with right now.

    Hopefully some of them will be along soon to share their experiences and advice but in the meantime, we're thinking of you TashRox and sending all our support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator