Losing my dad to cancer

Hi all, I'm new to this group, I lost my dad 2 weeks tomorrow, and my heart is broken.

My dad was fit and healthy as we thought until August last year when he complained of a bad back. He had moved cases off the bed and twinged his back as we thought little did we know from Nov last year our lives fell apart, our GP didn't do much to help just kept throwing painkillers at my dad, he went to chiropractor after chiropractor for this bad back, in thr end we paid private as nothing was working, within 48 hrs of a private consultation we knew my dad had spine cancer, he had a broken back, ribs in several places it was soul destroying, dad has been a massive part of our family all my life, life and soul of everything.

Back on Jan 03rd 2024 he was taken in to hospital and the cancer had spread everywhere to a point they couldn't find a primary and even now they don't know, I am broken my dad was my best friend all my life, it has had such an impact not just on me but all of us, how will I cope without him, I don't see life without him here, he's resting at the funeral home now and I go to see him, I want to take him home and for him to be home with us, we have another 12 days until the funeral but it's breaking me, I have to be strong for my mam and also my foster children, husband etc but I'm not coping I cry all the time, people say be strong times a healer, I can't see this right now and don't think I ever will, I miss him x

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Dar although I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You have my heartfelt condolences for your loss.

    So many of our members who have lost a parent to cancer will completely understand what you are going through right now, so you are not alone, and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to offer their support and advice.

    Coping with grief is very difficult and I know nothing I can say can take away the pain and heartache of losing your dad, but I hope it helps to know that we are thinking of you Dar and are sending all our strength and support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator