I don’t understand

It’s just over a year since I lost my husband of 38 yrs. It was 7 days before Christmas and 14 days before our wedding anniversary as we got married New Year’s Eve.

Friends who have not lost a soul mate don’t understand what it’s like, I was probably the same before. After a while they get on with their lives which I fully understand. I’ve tried to adjust but have just been told by friends that I’m moody, have become hard with them and myself but I don’t understand what they mean. 
when people stopped coming round as much I joined a grief group and made new friends, I really enjoy it and don’t seem to have any problems there.

Theres been a lot going on this year besides my loss . I’m trying to support my brother whose wife is terminally ill but they live 300 miles away so it’s hard too . I’ve no family near and don’t want to lose friends but don’t know what to do.

sorry for long text.

  • Hello Begonia

    I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband just over a year ago. I can tell from your post that you loved him very much and it's clearly been a very difficult year both with adjusting to this new life without your husband as well as supporting your brother. Understandably, you may perhaps feel overwhelmed by things at times. 

    I'm glad to hear that you've sought some support with your grief by joining a bereavement group. It can be really helpful to build relationships with people who have also experienced the loss of a partner and it's good to know that you've settled in and been able to build new friendships within this group. 

    Grief can affect people in many ways and it can also change people around those who are directly impacted by the loss. I don't know if the friends that you're currently struggling with are people that you feel you can sit down with and have a frank and open conversation about things? Maybe if it's a group of mutual friends, is there one person you're particularly close to that you could ask to meet and talk with over a cuppa? Hopefully, the friendships that you have with these people are strong enough to be repaired and rebuilt. Maybe there is a friend that you're close to that you've not had difficulties with that you could talk to in confidence for some advice and support. It may be that your friends in the grief support group have experienced similar situations with their own friends and can share their experiences with you. 

    It's obviously a difficult situation for you Begonia. If you feel that you're struggling with your thoughts and emotions due to everything that you've been through then don't be afraid to make an appointment with your GP for some support or advice. Or if the bereavement support group you're attending offers one-to-one counselling sessions it may be worth asking if you can speak with one of their counsellors for some support to help you move forwards. 

    I do hope that things settle and improve for you soon. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you I will try and talk to them