Dad is dying

My Father was diagnosed with bowel cancer 6 years ago wich was treated however he was diagnosed with secondary lung cancer 3 tears ago and has undergone gruelling treatment since then wich shrank the cancer but didn't get rid of it,his body sadly can now no longer take anymore and sadly he has renal failure and is extremely frail I can count on one hand the amount I have seen him in 3 years with Covid lockdown and fear of giving him further illness to add to what he has,even before his illness my relationship with my Father was always difficult,I am going to see him this Saturday and I am petrified, I don't know what to say to him I love him very much and before the cancer there was quite a good relationship between us if a little uncomfortable at times but still better than it had been ,I just don't know what to say

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Gman8374.

    I'm sorry to hear about your father's situation.

    Navigating a complex relationship with a parent, especially in the face of a serious illness, is undeniably challenging. As you prepare to see your father, it's perfectly normal to feel a mix of emotions and I hope that others who have experienced the same will be here shortly to offer support and advice on how to handle things.

    There is also a page from our website which might help, it's called Family, friends and caregivers and there you can find tips on how to support someone with cancer and how to take care of yourself too, which is crucial right now.

    Wishing you strength, understanding, and support as you navigate this emotional time.

    All the best to you and your father,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator