My dad was my world

My dad had diverticulitis for a few years and the last year of his life was suffering with water infections or so the doctors thought. He was down for an operation but then they found out he had pancreatic cancer. They also found out he had bowel cancer then had a perforated bowel so it was a shock when they said they couldn’t do anything more. He lasted 5 days. I miss him so much it’s really hard to carry on without him. I wish the doctors could have done more and diagnosed it sooner. 

  • I am so sorry for your loss. This must have been have been such a shock for you. 5 days is not enough time to prepare for the loss of a loved one. I lost my father a couple of years ago and the pain is terrible but you do find a way through it. Look after yourself Talk about your Dad as often as you need. I still find it comforting to chat about him and even laugh about some of the memories he left. Pancreatic cancer seems to sneak up and take so quickly. My Dad was in his 80s so I guess I appreciated having him as long as I did but that never stopped the pain or the shock of how quickly he left us.

  • i am   so sorry  ,my   husband died  very   quick   from pancreatic    cancer. my husband lasted 5  days after   coming home from hospltal