What poem should I read at my mum's funeral?

My beautiful Mum passed away 2 weeks ago. I want to read a poem at her funeral but unsure which one xx 

  • Hello SamCla, 

    I am so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to send you our sincere condolences on behalf of the Cancer Chat team. It's a lovely idea to want to read a poem at your mum's funeral and I hope that you will receive some good suggestions from members of our community and that they will share their thoughts and ideas with you. 

    I hope you won't mind but I have changed the title of your thread to make it more specific so that it is more easily noticed by our forum members. I hope that you will find the perfect poem to remember your mum. Once you have found it, you are very welcome to come and share it here if you feel like doing so. 

    We're thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. You are not alone - so many others on the forum have sadly lost a parent and I am sure they will be along shortly with comforting words for you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • This poem is lovely :: Remember me with smiles not tears through all the joy through all the years ,recall the closeness that was ours a love as sweet as fragrant flowers 

    Don't dwell on thoughts that cause you pain ,we'll see each other once again ,I am at peace ...try to believe it was my time ,I had to leave .

    But what a view I have from here ,I see your face ,I feel you near ,I follow you throughout the day ,you're not alone along the way .

    And when God calls you ...you will be ,right by my side right here with me ,till then I'll wait by Heavens door we'll be united evermore . 

    Its as if its from your mam to you x

  • Hi SamCla,

    I can see you've had a lovely suggestion from Jenny. I'm sure some more of our members will share their ideas with you soon, but whilst you wait I hope some of the suggestions on this website will help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator