First Christmas without their Dad (6 and 7)

My boys, aged 6 and 7 lost their Dad in May. 

This will be their first Christmas without him, and they are also separated from me, as he was their residential parent.

How can I support my boys to enjoy Christmas and create special memories through this time?

Does anyone have any advice on any traditions we could begin to honour his memory at Christmas time?

Thank you 

  • Hello Kateandtwo, 

    I am so sorry for your loss -  it's so sad that your little boys have lost their dad at such a young age and Christmas and special occasions can be a particularly difficult time after bereavement highlighting the painful fact that the person is not there and how much they are missed. Hopefully you will hear from other members of our forum who have sadly also lost a parent or loved one and who will have been through that difficult first Christmas without a loved one before. I am sure they will remember how emotional that time might have been for them or their little ones and how best to prepare a  young child who had lost a parent for the festive period. There are helpful resources online which will give you some tips to help you or your little ones get through Christmas without a loved one. The Marie Curie website have useful tips on this page which I hope you will find helpful and perhaps even more relevant to your sad situation is this information from Child Bereavement UK on managing special occasions which even includes tips for young people from other bereaved young  people. They have a helpline too you can call  on 0800 028 8840 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope this helps a little and that you will hear from our community's personal experiences. We're thinking of you and your little ones during this difficult time and wanted you to know that you are not alone. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator