Lost without my lovely husband

My husband had been diagnosed with rectum cancer spread to liver and eventually his lung in 2001 , he was a lovely kind hard working family man and for the first 2 years no one could even tell he was poorly, but as the chemos  stopped working he lost a lot of weight and then  he got worse very quickly, he sadly died at home 2 weeks ago and I miss him so so much,  I cry then I don’t cry or I can’t cry I feel like I’m freaking out , I want to run and scream , then I feel n mb , and so low in a dark dark place I’ve never experienced anything like this , I don’t see a purpose anymore , we spent every day together and now I’m alone . My rock and my best friend has been taken from us  at just 56 years old ! I just cannot believe he’s gone / nor do I want to . Life is so cruel  ️ ️. X

  • I am so very sorry to hear this Sherratt....no words will help, but, know there are people who care....it's too early to talk about your feelings, as you say, you are numb, just take your time..


  • Hi Sherratt,

    I'm sorry to read this and I can understand that this is a very difficult time for you. The forum is always here for you whenever you need it and when you're ready to talk to someone the Cruse helpline might be helpful. You can call for free on 0808 808 1677.  There is some advice on grief here, which you can read in your own time. Please don't be afraid to look for support because it's there for you.

    Moderator Anastasia