Dad - I miss you

First off I do apologies for the long post, I didnt only lose my Dad but also my best friend back in feb 2023, we we always with one and another, he looked after me and I returned the duty of looking after him while he was unwell, it was an honour to have looked after him but really tough, I just wish i could have done more for him and really struggling without him, just the simple things of a chat, going out for food, a drive in the car... i understand life has to go on and I know he wouldnt want anything other than me to be happy but I just feel like i'm always getting blocked by a brick wall, any issues in life I could talk to him but now I cant, please can someone help me.

Many thanks


  • Hello JT95

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad earlier this year. It sounds from your post as if you were very close with your Dad and so it's understandable that you're perhaps feeling somewhat lost at the moment.

    Grief is a natural process but it can be overwhelming at times. The seemingly small day-to-day things like picking up the phone to tell our loved one about something that's happened during the day can bring home the fact that they are no longer with us. And so the rollercoaster of emotions starts all over again. 

    Although it's a cliche, time does make it easier to live with grief and it is still very early days in your journey. In the meanwhile, I wonder if you might find it helpful to talk with someone about your Dad and the loss that you've experienced. I know that many of our members have found bereavement support to be helpful. If this is something you might want to consider then I'd suggest getting in touch with an organisation such as Cruse or you can speak to your GP surgery about other services that may be available locally. 

    Be kind to your JT95. Take things a day at a time and on the difficult days when that feels like it may be too much, take each hour as it comes. 

    My thoughts are with you at this very difficult time. 

    Cancer Chat moderator