I can't deal with the fact my dad isn't going to be around. He is 71 and in February he got diagnosed with ocular melanoma. He had his eye removed and we were hoping it hadn't spread. Found out in April it had spread to his liver and the only treatment was a new trial drug. Waited nearly 3 months for the treatment to start by which time it was to late.
My dad got rushed in to hospital last week and was told they couldn't continue with the treatment as there was no liver left it was all cancerous. He has been given weeks to live and I can't cope. I'm crying all the time and just can't deal that he won't be hear anymore. Everything has happened so fast. Last year my dad was fit and healthy. My dad is my world and we talk everyday. He is so scared about what Is going to happen and isn't sleeping. I don't know what I can do or say to help him. He is trying to be strong for me and my brothers but I know he is as broken as us
Thank you for reading