A "1 in a Million" Cancer took my dad too soon

My dad passed away two weeks ago after a year-long battle with cancer, and I'm completely shattered by his loss.

He had a rare cancer that took him too soon - the deterioration in him was unbearable to see.

I know he is at peace now, but no one should be made to endure or suffer in this way - I don't think I will ever forget this last year.


  • Dear Littlebee

    I'm so sorry for your loss, I lost my dad in November and I still can't believe it has happened and its just so awful to see them suffer isn't it? 

    RD x

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. My mum was also diagnosed with a 1 in a million cancer last June, and is receiving palliative care - more chance of winning the lottery. It sucks so much - although I'm hoping it gets easier. Sending love xxxx

  • @RD Hi thanks for replying. So sorry for the loss of your dad too. Yes it truly is the hardest thing to witness. I hope it gets better with time. How have you been doing?

  • [@Diddy86]‍ Diddy I'm so sorry to hear this. Dad had Adrenal cancer, what has your mum been diagnosed with? (please only share this if you're comfortable doing so ️‍). Dad also received palliative care and had a wonderful team come to see him every day. We are fortunate we have the NHS. Hope you're doing ok as can be

  • Hi LittleBee, thank you and thank you for your reply.  I've found that I have to keep busy,  it's the only way, at the moment, that I'm coping, I spend a lot of time with my mum as she is struggling but we find being in the garden helps, as Dad spent most of his time there. I really hope you find some way of coping LittleBee. Take care xx 


  • Aww thankyou LittleBee- right back atcha. My mum also has a neuroendocrine cancer - it's small cell cervical cancer. I think they get about 100 cases a year in America - makes it harder doesn't it when less information available.

    We have had very good support from NHS, a local hospice and Maggies.

    I hope you are taking great care of yourself and not feeling any pressure to get back to normal unless you want to. Two weeks is just so raw ️I dunno about you but I feel completely drained!!!