Downloadable story / comic

Hi Everyone - I don't know if this is the right place to list this, if it isn't, then plese let me know.

I have drawn a comic about the loss of my sister, who died around 20 years ago. I hope that the story is hopefull and not bleak. It's a free download, and I hope it might be of benefit to someone?

  • Hello Jazz76

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. Undoubtedly it will have been a difficult time for you and the family. 

    It sounds as if being able to talk about your experience and express your thoughts and feeling through the graphic novel you've written has been helpful. Hopefully, by sharing this, you will help others who find themselves journeying with grief. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks Jenn

    I was helpful to write about it, although I'm not 100% happy with it (or even 50%, if I'm being honest), but I found the process of creating it cathartic (and difficult) in a way. 

    I suspect that I’ll revisit it and add to it over the years – it will be interesting to see how my recollections of events and views change over the years. The tale is from the pov of an external character, someone who represents me I suppose, as I found writing it from my own point of view too hard.

    And yes, I do hope that it might be of interest to some people here. As I say, it’s a free download for anyone who would like to read it (it defaults to a ‘name your price’ option, but you can easily pop ‘0’ in there) 

    Warm wishes
