I've read other posts and feel stupid posting, but I lost my dad suddenly within 6 weeks of diagnosis in 2021. No symptoms, just collapsed at home and we found his broken arm wasnt healing as cancer was in his bones. Origin was lungs, no symptoms, spread to stomach and brain. Only when in his brain he fell over and struggled to breathe. In hospital he caught covid so didn't see him for 16 days, he then got radiotherapy on his shoulder day he got out, was wrecked and lasted 9 days at home mostly unconscious. He was my absolute best friend, we knew each others thoughts and he was so funny. So lost now, and been diagnosed with ptsd from the last few days before death. I wasnt there when he died. Day he died I helped get him into the private ambulance then its a blur of horrid. Can't go to his grave... I want to, just panic.