
Every day seems hard to get through.   feel like if this is my future.  Don't know how long can carry on like this. Feel like I don't exist. That I don't have a life. Like what's the point. No meaning. No reason . No purpose. Just rubbish. Just me in my sad life.  . 

  • Hi Oreotrio

    I know we chatted on another of your posts last weekend and I'm sorry to hear that yesterday was another really difficult day for you. Hopefully you're feeling not quite so low this morning. 

    I remember that last weekend I mentioned to you about bereavement support and that you could reach out to an organisation called Cruse to access this. I also mentioned that the Samaritans are available with a listening ear 24/7 365 days a year.  

    I can see from the posts you made yesterday that you're wondering if how you're feeling is more than grief. And it's entirely possible Oreotrio that you are struggling with more than grief at the moment so I'd really encourage you to reach out and contact your GP. Talk to them about how you're feeling since the loss of your Dad. I'm sure that they will be able to offer you some support to help. 

    In the meantime, be kind to yourself and take each day at a time. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator