What's the point.

Don't want to think like that..  but get down and think what is the point. Never going to be same again. Hurts so much. Never going to have my Dad to turn to. To advice me. Etc it's just so rubbish.

I don't no how people get through this because it's awful. I only look forward to going to sleep. 

  • Hello Oreotrio

    I can see from your posts this morning that you're really struggling today. You're right - grief is a real rollercoaster of emotions and one that some days can plunge you to real lows. 

    We've many people here on the forum who have lost a loved one and hopefully some of them will reply to share their words of support with you. But in the meantime, I wanted to suggest that you may like to think about getting some bereavement support to help you. 

    There are a number of organisations such as Cruse who are able to offer bereavement support in different formats. Cruse also has a helpline that you can ring to talk to someone about how you're feeling. Alternatively, the Samaritans are available 24/7 365 days a year to lend a listening ear. 

    You are very much in the early days of your journey with grief although I do understand that these past 9 days can also seem like an eternity. Allow yourself to cry and feel those emotions. But also allow yourself to be kind to you and take time out from wherever you are today to go for a walk, sit in the garden, or soak in the bath. Self-care is important as you work through these thoughts and emotions. 

    Sending our best wishes
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you for your kind words of support Jenn. 

    Just wish this wasn't the reality but it is. Need to try be positive but sometimes it just falls you. I feel so lost and alone. 

  • Hello Oreotrio

    Many of us experience the feelings of wishing that the reality of losing a loved one hadn't happened.

    I know it's a cliche but time does help. As I said before this is very early days in your journey with grief so don't expect too much from yourself on the days when the positivity fails you. On those days just take things an hour at a time and get through the day. 

    Have a look at the link I send in my previous post for Cruse and consider reaching out for some professional bereavement support. Many people find that having a safe space away from family and friends in which they can talk to someone and explore their grief is a great help in the healing process. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator