I feel lonely ,lost ,angry . My dad dies July last year . I can't seem to get my head around it . Everyday I miss him dearly, we were so close . It's so much like the ocean ,comes in waves and bang the most broken ,empty gut turning feelings ever . You just want it to stop ,but it can't.
I never truely believed of a broken heart till now . I mean the feeling that you're breath has been taken and someone is crushing you're chest is unreal . This is truely a broken heart .
I will try my best to live without him but it will never be the same .
Little things are so painful like seeing friends with their dad's or picking out my partners fathers birthday card in the shop which totally broke me because I just thought there in the Isle in tesco ,I'll never pick or write a card for my dad again .
My dad was young just 66 robbed of his life by this dreadful diease. My son will never meet his grandad ,my other boy can't understand why he's gone .
I know all of you are in utter heartbreak too . I send my love to each and every one of you & let's hope that one day there will be a cure for this dreadful disease that destroys so many lives & family's
God bless