Mum died

My precious mum passed away on Friday- she had bowel cancer that spread to her liver and lungs. She was diagnosed November 2019, didn't complain - very pragmatic about it all. Nearly 3 weeks ago she was admitted to hospital, it was all so quick at the end- laughing with her on the Thursday night and she left us Friday afternoon. 
We had 3 years to prepare for this but I still feel completely stunned and am in shock I think. Going to see her today to say goodbye. My heart is breaking. 
Writing this feels so surreal.

  • Hi Lorise789,

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother.

    I lost my father a month ago today. My dad had cancer in 2020 and we thought he was recovered. However, we found out in September that the cancer had spread and he died 8 weeks later. 

    I don't think anything can prepear you for losing a loved one. In my father's case he deteriorated very quickly and I am still shocked and traumatised by losing him in a matter of weeks. However, I don't think the shock would have been any less if I had longer to 'prepear'. Losing my dad has shocked me to the core and i feel on very shaky ground.

    I am thinking of you. X