Missing my mum


my mum died on 31st august and we held her funeral this week . We were told she was terminal of stomach and liver cancer just under 3 weeks before she died, and thought we had months . I can't stop feeling this guilt I should have done more - it was hard as she had walking issues and this came on rapidly in thr last few weeks so getting her out: down her stairs was so hard. Just can't stop wishing we had more time together as she was only 68 - and a young 68 . My Dad is devastated and knowing how to help him is hard as sometimes he doesn't want to do anything ( I understand he needs space too but worried about him as he's so lost )

any help on what's the best way to approach him would be great x 

  • Hi Alice 


    I am so so sorry to hear about your mum.

    i have not lost a parent but I have lost the next best thing my grandmother and granddad to cancer. 
    I think your dad needs time and I wonder if he had any fiends he can talk too? 
    my grandma had Alzheimer's so constantly forgot she was in pain and they got too her too late. My grandad used to look after her so it was good that she left this world before him. Had it have been the other way I don't think she would have coped without him. 
    my grandad managed to find comfort in talking to people strangers at events and he used to walk and he enjoyed walking and clearing his mind. I used to love sitting listening to his stories maybe that's all he needs.


    Sending love ️ 


  • So sorry for your loss . It's just a hard time and I'm sure time heals . He doesn't see a lot of people as they did everything together. That's the hardest thing as he also retired . We will go back to work soon and just worry about him so much . It all quietens down when the funeral is over. Hoping time heals a bit to get him out and about again x thanks for your message x 

  • Aww is he... is there a hobby he is into that it worth looking to see if they have a club or would he volunteer his time in a charity shop or something. 
    mat least he has amazing family around him that care that I'm sure is all he needs. 
    it's so hard when the family are just left to carry on without that one person who meant the world too them.

    Always here is you need a chat. ️