Anticipatory grief is very real

I'm feeling so stuck, the thought of loosing my mum is so tough.  had covid this week too, so have been at home with no distractions. I hate waking up knowing this is not going away, she is going to have to go through what she does and I already can't talk to her like I did. I confided in my mum with everything, when I lost my dad, I was affected hugely and she has been a big part of supporting me. I don't  know how I can loose her and cope. 

feel so anxious and anxious about how I'll cope.

  • Hi lovely, 

    I'm so so sorry to hear about your moms diagnosis, and also to hear you lost your dad a few years ago too. 

    I lost my dad 4 weeks ago yesterday, he died very unexpectedly of a cardiac arrest 9 weeks into his diagnosis (we were told he had a lot longer, he deteriorated quite quickly but didn't suffer as he was still going to attend treatment). I'm still trying to process everything that's going on, especially now we have had his funeral. So I do genuinely know how you feel with some part of your grief, but the worry of your mom is something I can't even begin to fathom and I'm so so so sorry. 

    I think one of the best things you can do is talk to your mom about your feelings, you'll probably find you'll be able to have more of that same relationship you had before once you get these feelings out. Anticipatory grief is a very real grief, when my dad was diagnosed I spent the first 2 weeks mourning him, and he was still here at home happy and on the surface very healthy. My dad refused to believe he was terminal but I knew from what they told us (potentially manageable but not curable) that he wasn't going to be here till the end of the year and he wasn't one thing that did help was talking to my dad, and other loved ones especially those who may know exactly how you feel, maybe siblings or close relatives. There's no quick fix, and no amount of conversations will take away the pain but it may relieve some anxieties. I know it's easier said than done, but I wish I had listened to those who said it, but take each day at a time and make the most of the days where mom feels up to going out and doing something. 

    Losing a parent is devastating to say the least, but the worry of losing your surviving parent is indescribable and I'm so sorry. Please feel free to message me whenever if you need to talk 


    Take care if you and your mom sweet xxx

  • Anticipitary grief is very real. I was heartbroken when I got my dad's terminal diagnosis 4 months ago and would cry my eyes out a lot and just not know how I would cope and I was scared for what he and we would have to go through. We were given up to 5 years although sadly he declined and passed away two weeks ago. The last few weeks were awful, although being able to care and be there for him at the end did help in some way. I don't really have any advice except to take each day as it comes and feel whatever you need to feel. Tell her how much you love her and cherish the time together and remember all those good times in the future. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. This community is a big help xx