My mum passed away in March 2021. It was a complete shock, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and within 6 weeks she had completely deteriorated and passed away.
I don't think I've ever completely processed what happened is dealtj with my emotions.
Don't get me wrong, on one hand I know she is gone and won't come back. But on the other hand, I can't articulate how I feel. I block it out as much as I can. But there's time I remember, and I feel like I'm dying because I don't know how I'll live the rest of my life without her.
It all happened so fast. I just can't put it into words. Time has gone so fast but it feels like only yesterday she was here.
I dream about her alot. But the dreams are always just how life was when she was here- isn't that sad. I just miss her so much.
I don't know how to process or feel or deal with the grief. I just can't believe my mum isn't here