My nan is dying and I'm not ready

I just found out today my nan has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It's in her lungs aswell. The doctors have advised against chemo. 


I don't know how to begin to accept this. I'm extremely close with my nan and it has been my biggest fear for years that I would lose her and now to be happening like this is just so unfair. She's so fit and healthy and energetic. She just had a stomach ache and that was it, how is this happening?


I know that pancreatic cancer is quick and aggressive. She didn't want to find out how long she has left, but I know it won't be this year. I don't know how to come to terms with this. I don't know how to be strong for her and my family. I can't lose her and I don't want too. 

  • Hello grayhare28.  I just want to say how sorry I am for what you are going through........I know it is only words, but those of us who have lost loved ones know exactly how you are feeling right now.  The truth is, there is nothing that anyone can say or do that will take your pain away..........the only thing that I can say is to make the most of the time you have left with your nan, and remember to tell her how much you love her..........don't leave anything un-said.  There are no short cuts with is devastating and overwhelming.............we don't get over losing the ones we love.......we get through it somehow.  Once again, so sorry for what is happening to you, your nan and the rest of your family, Violet, x