My Mum Passed Away

My Mum passed away last Monday in her sleep from Stage 4 Cancer. 

It had spread everywhere apart from her heart. The last few days, she was unresponsive and was on an IV for pain meds. 

I was the one to find her. 

Since then, I haven't really grieved. I've cried a little, but, I can't seem to be sad like everyone else. 

I feel just numb and tired. 

My 24th birthday is in two weeks and I'm focusing on succeeding her tenancy and getting her affairs in order. 

Has anybody else gone through something similar? 

  • I'm so sorry for your loss Devastated_Daughter. 

    I know this must be really tough but I hope it helps to know that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone experiences different emotions at different stages of the grieving process so try not to panic or feel guilty for not reacting or feeling how you think you should.

    Many of our members who have been on this journey will really understand what you're going through at the moment and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer you their support and advice.

    In the meantime, be kind to yourself and try to take things one day at a time.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there

    I lost my dad last week. Though, I'm 32 so a bit older than you! I still feel very young to be going through this, and you are for sure.


    I wouldn't worry about what you are or aren't feeling at the moment. I've been reading the Irreverent Grief Guide and she says month 1 is just about one foot in front of the other. Don't worry about crying or not crying. Just survive. She says it's easy to feel overwhelmed but just to do 'the next right thing'. That could be organising things, or it could just be having a slice of toast. So that's what I'm trying to do. Whatever feels like the next right thing.

    I'm sorry you're doing this so young but good luck xxx

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. 

    I'll try to focus on what I need to do and let my emotions come when they do. 

  • Hi, 


    Thank you for replying to me. 

    I hope things get better for you soon too.