I'm totally lost, griefed out, ....miss my daddy so much

My daddy had bowel cancer, I inherited it, but I had major surgery, had part of my bowel removed, had a colostomy for a year, they said I was high risk due to my daddy's condition.

I'm ok now, had colostomy removed and dodgy part of bowel removed , but in that time, I lost my daddy,  he passed, it hurts so much, they say pain gets easier, it doesn't, I miss him every day, been 3 years, his ashes still in my brothers house, can't bear to part with him, when will.pain ease? Don't ever want to forget him ever. Just don't know how it what to do with lose 


  • Hi so sorry for your loss the pain of losing someone does get easier,you will never forget him you just learn to live life without them I do understand as I have lost my mum,dad and sister every day I think of them it is hard but you have to stay strong and positive it does help,when I lost my dad 7 months later I found out I had breast cancer and thank goodness it had now gone,it will help you to be positive think of all the nice memories x