Hy newbe, my beloved daddy away with bowel cancer

I have had major surgery to remove a tumour, and part of my bowel, did have a colostomy, now removed, thankfully was malignant, but I miss my daddy so much, my consultant says I'm high risk,for return symptoms, but I don't care, I miss my daddy so much, just don't know what to do with my self, just want to be with him


  • Hi Jean26,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm so sorry to hear of what you've been through. I can see you have also posted elsewhere on the forum and received a reply which is great. I hope that the forum can offer some support to you - we're always here if you need it, whether it's simply to write things down or to reach out to others.

    If you feel you're struggling with your grief and would like to explore additional support, please have a look at Cruse. They have various resources and also a helpline. It is usually helpful to speak to others, so keep doing this wherever you can.

    Take care of yourself and wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator