Hi all,
I am new here.
I lost my Mum in Sep 2021 and it has just been dreadful. My Mum and I had an extremely close relationship, we are best friends and love each other so so much! I'm finding life so hard without her! My Mum got diagnosed with bowel cancer in beginning of the year, she had incurable bowel cancer but was not severely unwell with it. I was still able to meet Mum and go for lunch and dinners with her so she was mobile. Mum started chemo in August and then had to go in hospital as the chemo made her very unwell and then she died within a week of being at hospital. The hospital confirmed that the chemo basically killed my Mum. I just can't accept and come to terms with this all. She's been taken so quickly and we wasn't even able to go through the process of her dying and to gradually start accepting that. We are all so heartbroken!
I was just wondering if anyone has experienced something similar with a family member or friend, so I can kind of understand this a little more.
My Mum unfortunately only had one lot of chemo as she didn't make it to the next. She died on her weeks break from the chemo. I miss her so so much!
Thank you