Struggling with mum getting verbally abusive & bitter

After 3 years of mom being diagnosed with ovarian cancer now spread to other organs, she is now getting very abusive and digging up past and blaming me for not supporting her when ive taken her to all sessions and supported her through tick and thin. She lives with me too and is getting resentful for me working, having hobbies whilst doing my best to keep her spirits up.  I am at a loss as she has not yet accepted her cancer will not be cured and is now in her mindset not going to accept any other treatment after her nest session.  Although I am a tough cookie this stage is grinding me down and I don't argue naturally but being a human punchbag to her demands. Any help with dealing with emotional abuse as I need to keep strong and she does not want help from cancer support.  In public I can do no wrong but in my own home she shouts at me for hours and puts me down constantly... at a loss sorry but need some help. Thanks for listening 

  • Cancer doesn't give anyone the right to be abusive to others. It's never acceptable.  More so if that person still has all their faculties about them. So never just accept it's the done thing. Try to seek help about your situation.  You can bypass your mum if the help you are seeking is for yourself. So the likes of Macmillan etc will help guide you through this.

    But never just accept being someone else's punchbag, whether that be physical or emotionally.

  • Hi There, 

    First, a little about me. 

    My late Wife was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer back in 2009. She lived until early 2015, and was always an absolute pleasure to be around. She handled her illness with such Grace. I can only hope to be as gracious when my time comes. Three rounds of Chemo until it didnt work anmore. I've seen the side effects of this treatment, and I was also able to benefit from the extra time it gave us. 

    But this is not the way for eveyone. 

    Through time spent in Hospital waiting rooms, Hospices, Doctors etc, I've seen all sorts of different coping mechanisms. Some of them are unpleasant to watch.

    Some mask their fear and frustration with anger, denial, others might use drink and drugs. Some take it out on those they love, those closest. Those they now depend on. It can look and feel a lot like jealousy. This is unfair, but unfortunatley is very common, and extremely difficult to deal with.

    The situation is not your fault.  You do not deserve the ill treatment you receive. You are doing an amazing job. Your support is priceless. 

    Remember to take time out for you. This is every bit as important as the support you provide for your Mum. You can not pour from an empty Cup.

    Seek support here with us, me if you feel I can help you. 

    Try to make the most of every opportunity to live in-the-moment. Those short snips of time where you forget about what you've both been through, and what may come next. The time you have left together is precious.

    Sending you a great big heart felt hug.