Chemo induced edema..

Desperately want to know if chemo Pematrexed induced edema in lower legs and feet will improve if chemo is stopped??? . After my partner was diagnosed with NSC adenalcarceoma of the lung, which was asymptomatic, and diagnosed in January, although it was actually a undiagnosed brain tumour that caused us to go to GP in the first place. This has been removed with miraculous results. But the treatment side effects for the lungs is heartbreaking. Need to seriously deside if the chemo will cause more upset than the asymptotic lung cancer itself... Heart braking.. Any response or recommendations greatly appreciated.

Thank you 

  • Hello Reeta and a warm welcome to our forum! 

    What a difficult decision to have to take. I am sorry to hear the treatment side effects have been so severe. I think it would be a good idea to discuss all this with your partner's specialist who will be best placed to advise you as to whether the chemotherapy treatment is recommended in your partner's specific case even if the lung cancer is currently asymptomatic. The consultant will also be able to advise you on whether there is anything that can help improve the edema in the lower legs and feet. Don't hesitate also to give our nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 and talk things through with them. Their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I also hope that you will hear from others on the forum who have been in a similar position before and that they will be along shortly to share their experiences with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator