Esophageal cancer and liquid diet

Hi my mum has just been diagnosed with esophageal cancer and had a stent fitted. Her swallowing isn't very strong and has to have a liquid diet from now progressing to a puree diet. Probably wont have solids again. 

I'm looking for ideas of things she can have, the dietitian has told me about  compact drinks but mums not that keen apparently,  

Shes tiny so needs to build up some strength,  and I know she will want variety not just sweet stuff. No lumps allowed at all. 

Any ideas would be wonderful. 

Thankyou in advance 

  • Hello Aclarke81, 

    I am sorry to hear about your mum's oesophageal cancer diagnosis and that she had to have a stent fitted. It must be difficult for you to know what to do to help her with her liquid diet. We have information on our website on soft diets for anyone having difficulty swallowing because of cancer or cancer treatment which you can read here. You can also find a general section on our website here on diet problems with cancer where you will find information for example on high calorie drinks and other tips to help your mum put on weight. You can read more about this here

    I remember there was a lovely lady on this forum [@SusanRuth]‍ recently whose husband had oesophageal cancer and she had lots of great diet ideas. She even started the thread 'Food Swaps -hints and tips' and I hope her tips will be very useful!

    I hope this helps a little and that your mum manages to eat some things she likes to help her build up her strength. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator