My Mum was diagnosed with cancer at the head of the pancreas in May 2018, this was after she was admitted to hospital with Jandice. She had a stent fitted to clear the build up of bilirubin. she was offered the whipple operation and had it six weeks later. She then started chemotherapy however, this had to be stopped 4 months in as it caused her to have an Heart Attack. Then a year later June 2019 she had a follow up scan and a consultation in which she was given the all clear and told to drink champagne. However, less than 2 months later she found herself back in hospital in agony. She had another scan which showed lots of metastasis in the liver and lungs and now just two weeks later she is Jaundice, the oncologist said she is probably suffering from liver failure we have been told that if this is the case (to be confirmed on Tuesday next week) she has only weeks to live and there is nothing that can be done. We are just all in a state of shock and feel cheated, how can it have got this bad so quick after being given the all clear, we feel something has been missed or maybe it does come back that quick. Does this ring a bell with anyone else.