Steroids Use for dying patients


it’s hard to write as occasionally one thinks that loved one will be around for a long time with good quality of life. after a painful diagnosis mum came to stay from February and she was assisted with pain meds as she was in severe pain.  It took at least 3 weeks before her pain was managed adequately and in the end she was offered 2 steroid tablets twice per day.  After a week she was taking one 2 mg per day and her appetite returned along with her strength and renewed vigour for life and craft.



Last week her eyesight started failing and the steroids were withdrawn.  Almost immediately her mobility went and she struggles to get about now.  

I suppose I am writing this to ensure people know that thi the steroids often offer the patient a few good months.  It is not a long term fix.  She doesn’t want to take them anymore despite her appetite is depleting again.  

I hope my message reaches a family or carer that is in the dark as what steroids can do.  Emotions run high when someone looks much better and life looks almost normal for a while.  They are helpful but a short term venture.  Make every moment count with your loved one as the effects don’t last l very long.  

Mum is still with us but seems to have aged five years in a week.  Heartbroken for her and us.




  • Hello Amy, 

    Thank you very much for sharing your story about the effects steroids had on your mum and the fact that these were sadly short-lived and not as you say "a long term fix". It must have been lovely to see your mum's appetite return as well as her appetite for life but it must be very hard too to then see these effects disappear when the treatment is stopped. 

    So sad that your mum looks like she has aged five years in a week it must be truly heartbreaking for you all to see. I hope you can still enjoy some quality time with her and make the most of every single day you have with her. The story you have shared here will be really helpful to anyone who is also in a similar situation, and it would be nice to hear from some of our other members here and to hear other steroids stories. So if anyone has taken steroids before or has looked after a loved one who has been given steroids, we'd love to hear from you too! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator