My Mum was diagnosed with incurable bladder cancer at much the same time as having been told she had fractured her pelvis almost a month ago now. She has an appointment with the consultant and a nurse next Tuesday at 10.00 at the hospital however we don’t know what to expect and what they might offer.
My main concern is everyone keeps telling us the GP is responsible for managing pain relief, assessing the house for appropriate equipment, furniture, loo and a treatment plan etc but they have done nothing. We’ve had to call 999 several times as we just can’t seem to get the pain relief right and an emergency dr arrived yesterday who also said it is the responsibility of the GP. We are very tired and confused as noone has explained the process to us and we are not convinced anyone cares. If there is anyone out there who can explain the steps the nhs take and who I see ultimately responsible for helping us, I’d be very grateful.
My poor 85 year old Dad ddesperately needs this practical support for Mum as he is doing all the caring himself when I can’t be there with them. We feel completely abandoned by the system.