Finding it hard - BC diagnosis

Was diagnosed with DCIS last year and was totally positive, had my treatment and am now cured.

I've posted on the forum regularly in support of many and hope my words have been encouraging to those I've replied to.

Now only 12 months later my daughter has been diagnosed  with invasive ductal carcinoma and I'm finding it hard. Hopefully caught really early as she had herself checked after I was diagnosed and was clear. She has a CT scan tomorrow (is this usual?) and her lumpectomy is scheduled for the 15th. Other than that we don't know her treatment plan yet. Don't know any stages or other info yet. 

I'm finding it harder to deal with than my own. As a parent you just want to protect your children and I'd take the hit first over my kids any day. She's only 42 with 2 young boys.

My hubby's taken it really hard

She lives away from me and I think I'll feel better when I see her (next week)

I know I'll get support on here and hopefully Chrissie, Marlyn, Beachebabe, Jolamine will chip in and make me  feel a whole lot better with their wise words

Thanks in advance - Irene x


  • Morning Irene just thought I would check up on you before going to work. Hope you managed to get some sleep. Another day closer to seeing your daughter! X 

  • Oh I am so sorry to hear this! I too had invasive ductal carcinoma.....and look at me now.....all gone! Having chemotherapy to flush any cooties away...

    it must be really hard to learn your daughter has it, but as you sounds early doors, and when you see her you will fall into each other's arms and everything will melt away ( for a bit) you need see her face to face....give her all you valuable advice, does she have any sort of plan other than the ct scan? 

    I am shocked and saddened to read you post, but together we can get through it all....god bless xxxx


    Sorry to hear about the growth on your nose...fingers crossed it's all ok...I don't know, it seems we get over one hurdle for there to be another one on the way! 

    Good luck...hope it's all good xxxx

  • Thank you all. You really are a wonderful bunch. Jolamine, your words helped me enormously as does everyone else who has taken the time to reply to me. When I heard she was having a CT scan my mind went into overdrive. Because my cancer was in situ I didn't need that.

    She's had the scan this morning, sees the surgeon on Monday, has the wire inserted on Thursday and surgery Friday. A pretty full on week.

    She had her first wobble today when a present from my husband arrived for her. A meaningful trinket from the past and she was delighted.

    Well' you've all inspired me and I've got my gloves on now ready to kick its *** again.

    Thank you all. Your support is invaluable. 

    Sending hugs to you all and hoping for good outcomes for those waiting for results.

    Will keep you updated - Irene x

  • I am so pleased it's getting sorted so quickly, our NHS is marvellous! 

    You were one of the First Ladies who came along to comfort me, and so I know your lovely daughter couldn't be in better hands....together we stand strong...

    much love xxx


    Hi Irene,

    I'm glad to hear that you found my words helpful. I can be too forthright at times, but it is never my intention to upset anyone.

    It sounds as if you will be with your daughter when everything is happening next week. This will be easier for both of you than trying to deal with it from afar. It may be a pretty full on week, but take solace from the fact that no time is being wasted.

    I have just received an appointment for 4 months instead of 4 weeks to get my 2 biopsy results (one from my face and one from my leg), taken last Monday. When I queried this with my consultant's secretary, I was told that this is thefirst available appointment, that they don't give results over the phone and that all I can do is to keep phoning in to see if there is a cancellation. Needless to say, I am not leaving it there!

    I shall be thinking of you all next week and hope that all goes well for your daughter on Friday.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Oh Jolamine that's shocking. How on earth do they expect you to live with this over you for four months? 

    I overlooked that you asked the ages of my daughters children. They are two boys aged 9 and 6. She breast fed both. Was a natural at it so that makes a mockery of the fact that breast feeding helps to protect you from breast cancer.

    I hope you manage to get an earlier appointment for your results. Waiting is just the worst - Irene x


    Hi Irene,

    I breast fed both of mine many years ago now, yet had had 2 outs of primary breast cancer within the first year of diagnosis. I had a lumpectomy first time around and a double mastectomy on the second occasion.

    As a rule of thumb, you are less likely to develop breast cancer if you breast fed, but unfortunately there are still those of us who are unfortunate to succumb regardless.

    I shall certainly try to get my appointment brought forward from July.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Well that's it everyone. My first mammo after treatment under my belt.

    Was told it's often not unusual to be recalled after the first one because of the many changes in your breast tissue after surgery and radiotherapy and there's nothing to compare it to. If recalled don't panic as it's usually nothing to worry about.

    Just hoping to see that letter saying all clear - Irene x


    Hi Irene,

    I'm glad to hear that all went well this morning and, fingers crossed that there'll be no recall.

    Jolamine xx