Hi,my mum has had two lots of chemotherapy and is having awful stomach pains.Can anyone tell me is this right and is there anything we can give her to help.
Hi,my mum has had two lots of chemotherapy and is having awful stomach pains.Can anyone tell me is this right and is there anything we can give her to help.
Welcome to the forum Trudles although I'm sorry about the stomach pains your mum is having at the moment.
We have some information on our website about chemotherapy side effects but if you're worried it would be best to let her medical team know as they'll be able to advise on what she may be able to take to help with the pain.
Our cancer nurses are also available by phone if you'd like to have a quick chat with them about this. Their phone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.
Best wishes to you both,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
I dont think theres a set plan for any ones reaction to chemo. Im sorry for the stress it causes you and your mum, ask her nurses in the chemo suit for advise. I am willing you the strength to cope.
Hi, I am having the same thing, terrible stomach cramp feels like my stomach is going to drop out of my body, also very very nauseous, Am due to have another dose on Tuesday but I have been sick since having my chemo last Tuesday.
Can anyone help?
Im currently having chemo for breast cancer. And ive also had really bad stomach cramps especially just before i pass wind or need to open my bowels. I had my 2nd dose yesterday and the cramps were so bad they were like contractions. They have given me Buscopan to try and they do help so maybe get some prescribed. I know its horrible but im glad im not the only one.