Tiredness after radiotherapy

My 9 yr old son had a medulloblastoma removed in January. He then had six weeks and one day of radiotherapy which finished on 20th March. He goes to bed around 10pm but is really struggling to get up in the mornings. Today I dragged him out of bed at 11.15 And he can get up later if I leave him. He has recently lost a little weight due to lack of appetite and maybe from missing breakfast. Family members keep telling me that he shouldn't be this tired and sicky now and that I should be firmer with him making him go to bed and get up earlier so he's not skipping breakfast.

So, is it normal for him to be this tired and sicky feeling now? I feel like I'm doing my best but it's not good enough.

  • Hello Mammyof3,

    I’m sorry to hear that your son is struggling to get up in the mornings and are feeling so poorly after he had his medulloblastoma removed in January.

    We have a link on our web page about fatigue that I would like to share with you and maybe it can be of some help, to read more about it please click here.

    Also, if you feel like asking our cancer nurses some advice please know that their line is open Monday - Friday between 9 a.m - 5 p.m and you can reach them by ringing this phone number: 0808 800 4040.

    Best wishes to both you and your son,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your kind reply Renata. I will check out the information sheet. We've been admitted today to start chemo so I'm guessing that won't help with his tiredness!

    Thanks again.