Sore skin from radiotherapy

 Hi everyone my mam is comin to the end ov her radiotherapy treatment on her neck n her skin is starting to become really sore n hot she has been given the q2 cream n i have made her a coolin tight with rice but is there anything eles i could try to help her ant other creams or anything thanks so much for reading x

  • Hi Shell

    Sorry to hear your mum is going through this treatment. Theres not much else you can do for the sore skin except keep applying a thick layer of the cream given to you by the radiotherapy department. It keeps getting worse till about 2 weeks after the treatment ends. The skin may turn crusty and cracked but will gradually improve after that. When its healed protect the area with suncream you can get a big 250ml factor 50 in Homebargains for £2.99. The worst bit though will be inside her mouth and throat which will be raw. Wish your mum a speedy and successful recovery. Kim


  • Thank so much for the reply it is gettin alot worse now she said the inside isnt hurting but i dont know weather thats because she has a trackie in thanks for the reply x

  • Hi there shell

    as Kim says there is not a lot out there at this stage

    i had 30 daily sessions of Tomotherapy for throat cancer and by he end of week 5 my who neck was sore, angry and had started to blister to the extent they were going to stop.

    the only thing I did was lashing of e45 cream then I put clingflilm on my neck and put ice in a towel to try and cool it down ( the cling film was there to stop the towel fibres creating an infection)

    by the time I had finished I had 3rd degree burns around my neck ....

    its not until you finish that you are able to get this wonderful cream called flamazin.

    it has silver in it and turned the whole of my neck black ( and my figure tips) however in two weeks my neck was completely healed and you would not have noticed what I had been through.

    its gets tough but it worth it

    fight for that flamzin though as I hear some people have found it difficult to get hold of. It's wonderful stuff and I believe that give it to burns victims

    shout if you have any other questions
