Hi I’m new and came across this forum and wondered if any body could just tell me about the I experience if they been through same thing, I’m not wanting to know how long
this all happened so quickly to be honest threes weeks ago my mum had men tol she had promnlems with her gallbladder so that’s the news we were waiting for so you can imagine our horror when the consultant from that department told us they discovered a tumour on her lung honestly it’s hit us like tonne of bricks so any way we went for appointment to be told it’s spread not what we wanted to hear ( nobody) does, anyways spread to lymph and bone my mum asked her self if anything can be done they said yes but it’s not curable those words cut deep inside
Anyway she to go in for biopsy this Thursday then we talk about treatments I thought last appointment was hard I know this one going to be tough I don’t want to lose my best friend I’m so scared but it’s down to her,it’s her body she stays with me and she’s pretending she’s not as sore putting on brave face but I know she nursed my dad for 7 years so she knows what he went through we will help her all we can and pray that someone watching over her and she has more time with us than possible thanks everyone