My mum has left hospital and can only have fluids, sips of water, ice or ice lollies, I'm really finding this hard to see, she's losing weight rapidly. No energy to shower, walk . She is terminal ill, the district nurse comes in daily to attend to her driver, the dietician was due to come at home to see how we can support her nutritional needs.
Today her body temperature is 34.5 and purple blotches on her feet, I'm trying to warm her up. We have a vibration plate to get her blood flowing,
The district nurses are great, her oncology Dr has rearranged a telephone appointment for another weeks time. She's awake and talking but very limited mobility. I support her to the toilet and dress her. I feel worried she's dehydrating and becoming unable to get up.
I've spoke to the District nurse but how long can this go on.
My mum is fed up and has repeatedly told me she's had enough.
Can I get some sort of build up food, other than the fortisip, she dosnt like these and is refusing to budge on this.
Originally the Dr explained that she wood only be eating through comfort and nothing more but she becomes very sick after small amounts of food.
I am struggling to care for her basics needs and she will starve before pur eyes.
I'm asking for advise please .