Cancer of the vocal cords - has anyone had their voicebox removed?

Two years ago my mum was diagnosed with vocal cord cancer and had radiotherapy to get rid of it as it was thought better than laser surgery as the cancer was close to her windpipe. Two years down the line the cancer has returned and this time laser is the only option. The consultant has asked to take another biopsy to map out exactly where the cancer is.

He has offered to take away the voice box if it's not possible to remove the cancer but she is adamant she will not do that.

Has anyone had experience of life after removal of the voidebox as it all seems very scary at the moment.

  • A very warm welcome to Cancer Chat Susan, although I'm sorry to hear your mum's cancer has returned.

    This must be a very difficult time for you both but our members are here for you Susan and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to share their experiences and advice.

    We have some information about removing the voicebox on our website but if you have any further questions, or would just like to talk things through with someone, then do give our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040. Their helpline is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to help and put your mind at ease about what's to come.

    We're thinking of you Susan and wishing your mum all the best with her treatment when it begins.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Susan,

    My dad had tumour on his voice box,  so big he could hardly breathe and collapsed- he had all the signs- losing his voice constantly, but despite the families concerns he convinced us he was fine!! Anyway he had a tracheotomy (hole in his neck) which saved his life , and surgery ( laryngecttomy)to remove tumour and voice box.  So in this short space my dad had to get used to being a ‘neck breather’, couldn’t taste/smell or communicate.

    I know all the above seems daunting and scary but 8 years later, my dad is still here!! He’s adjusted and let me tell you, it has not slowed him down. He had a valve surgically implanted which is ‘his voice’ - sounded strange at the time but nobody bats an eyelid now. He is the chairman of allotment gardens, he’ll speak infront of a crowd (sometimes with microphone!) and is very active in the community. Im so proud of him- we all are- and my dad especially is so grateful to still be here, grateful to the surgeons and nurses and so many people who have got him to where he is today.

    I wish you and your mum the very best , and I apologise for not wording all the above in a more thoughtful manner. Just when I aw your post I felt like I had to reach out and let you know your not on your own X
