Struggling to cope. Mum has stage 4 cancer. Treatment stopped end of November but she's still here. Feeling so burnt out

Hi Everyone, 

My Mum has stage 4 triple negative breast cancer and stopped treatment at the end of November last year as it had stopped working. I wish her oncologist never said she'd be lucky to see Christmas because here we are nearly in the middle of Feb and she's still here. The emotional rollercoaster is mentally exhausting and draining and I'm burnt out. All I do is cry and struggle to function in normal day to day life and no longer look forward to anything. I've become such a deeply sad person and in such a dark place. 

Mum is now under palliative care and with a hospice but living at home dosed up on all sorts until the pain is unmanageable and she'll then move into the hospice. I feel selfish for feeling like I just can't carry on any longer. I don't want my beautiful Mum to go but I can't bear this stress and exhaustion. One min I think this is it, she's going down hill then the next she's quite bright and doing things like going out and about etc. She's only 56 and I genuinely never thought I'd be losing my Mum in my early 30s. We're so close, we're best friends and do everything together. 

I live on my own and don't drive and work a demanding full time job. Work have been brilliant up until a couple of days ago when I asked for a day off unpaid for the sake of my mental health and the response shocked me and said it's a stage now where I'd need to go on sick if I'm burnt out when all I felt i needed was 1 day to balance work and home as a preventative measure for burnout. The problem is, I don't want to go on sick because I don't know how much longer this will go on for. We get paid full for 30 days sick but I already used half last year so that gives me about 15 days. Not knowing how much longer this will be prolonged is causing so much stress and heart ache. Financially I can't afford to end up on SSP so I'm trying so hard to just push through work but this rejection really knocked me. 

To add to my stress further, work have known this to be ongoing since the end of November and they gave me extra time off (about 3 days) over Christmas because we were told she might not make Christmas. But she's very much still here and I'm at a stage of now worrying that work think I'm taking the Michael. Yesterday my Mum and I popped out to M&S and I bumped into someone from work which has further added to my stress that they must think I'm making things up. I don't know, it's so hard to explain and I'm so stressed about things to do with work that I shouldn't be stressing about. I feel I could do with going on sick but again, what if this nightmare is prolonged much longer still because no one has a crystal ball? I'm just completely lost. 

  • That sounds really rough. First of all - if anyone thinks you are taking the Michael then they don’t know you so they don’t matter. Usually that kind of thing is just in your head. 
    with work is it possible to ask for it as a holiday rather than a compassionate day? So taken from your holiday allowance? If that isn’t possible then just call in sick for 1 day and use it as your mental health day. You don’t need to be off for an extended period, just take the day. It might help to speak to a trusted colleague or manager.  I hope you can find a way through this. Whatever happens you’ll feel sadness, regret and lots of other feelings. You don’t have any control over what happens unfortunately, but if those feelings become overwhelming or affect your day to day then it’s time to seek support from your GP. 
    All the best to you and your lovely mum.

  • I'm so sorry to hear this about your Mother ,especially the fact that she is so young its tragic , the way I'm seeing it is the important one here is your mam ,as you say she is your best friend and you do everything together so why not just keep on doing what you've always done ,after all you only get one mam you could get many jobs so if it was me I'd be concentrating on doing as much with my Mother as I possibly could ,work wouldn't even enter my head but that's me ,after your Mother has gone you don't want to have any regrets that you could have done more with your Mother instead of worrying about work ,just enjoy the time you have work will probably work itself out just try not to spend your time worrying about it your Mother is the important one ,I hope you can have a happy medium while your Mother is able .

  • Thankyou so much for the reply  I honestly wouldn't worry so much about work if it wasn't for the stress and worry about money and not knowing how much longer this will go on for. I live on my own and pay the bills entirely on my own with literally about 1k in savings which wouldn't get me far. All this is causing me so much stress and anxiety because I rely solely on me. There's only me to pay those bills and I don't come from a family with money so no one to ask for help. It's draining but I think I've made the decision to go sick. I have quiet a bit of time off coming up in March thankfully so if I can just get through Feb on sick it might be the only way I don't have a mental breakdown at work. 

  • Thankyou so much for replying :) You're probably right about things being in my head, I'm so bad with over thinking. Unfortunately I can't take it as holiday as I've used it all up. I was perfectly happy to take it unpaid but they said it's not an option. There's a lot of back story to it and I'm genuinely shocked they wouldn't let me take it unpaid but going forward I've decided I'm going to try get in with my GP tomorrow and possibly go on sick. I'm realising I think I need more than 1 day as I'm in a very bad way mentally. March at work won't be so bad as I have a lot of time of that month so I suppose going sick just helps me to get to a month where work and life will have a better balance if I'm making sense. 

  • I just made my first post on this forum half an hour ago - then I saw your post.  I am in exactly the same position as you - everything - work being great then not so much, living alone, the illness changing from minute to minute.  I also had the same news at Christmas and Mum is still here -  I feel guilt as we have also been out and about (specifically to M&S) and I feel like people might think I am a fraud.  I also do not want my Mum to die but, I do not want this to go on either.  I feel like I do not know myself anymore - I am at the point where I don't know what I like to eat anymore, what to wear, I've lost my social life.  It's excruciating.  I am sure nothing I have said helps but, I know exactly how you feel - just knowing we are not by ourselves is something hopefully x