My husband has stage 4 lung cancer

My husband has been diagnosed but doesn't want to talk about it. We obviously have things we need to discuss but he won't.

I understand this is happening to him not me, I feel so useless.

  • Hello DD-Lakes

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. It's obviously a very difficult time for you both and natural that there will be struggles along the way. 

    I'm unsure how long ago he had the news about a stage 4 diagnosis. Is he refusing to discuss things with you because he's still coming to terms with the news? Perhaps he just finds things too painful to talk about, which is obviously very difficult for you. 

    I'm unsure what things you need to discuss but perhaps there is a close family member or friend who could help be a go-between in some of the discussions? 

    If you think it may be helpful to chat with one of our nurses for some support and advice you're welcome to give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that you're able to have the conversations that you need to have. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello DD-Lakes

    I understand you are going through tough time. I recently was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I try to stay positive for my loved ones. It specially at the beginning I found very difficult to speak about my cancer diagnosis. Sometimes just slight reminder could push me over the edge and I end up in floods of tears. My husband is very supportive, we give each other lots of hugs and attention, we speak about plans for future, treatments options, share information but he gives me space and time to be on my own too.