What support did you have when supporting others on their cancer journey?

Hi...my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018 and we've been on been on this cancer journey since...his reached stage 4..into bone in hip and lungs.god willing he is on a wonder drug and it seems to be stemming it amd his psa is non detectable. I seem to have however fell apart and had two big breakdowns..current one right now which has resulted in being signed off work with my mental health. Think i was so strong for him going to the multiple hospital appointments, dealing with letters from hospital, still going to a stressful job and being told how strong i was..i have come to a grounding halt..i suppose there was support oit there but i never reached out for it whem i probably should have..what did other family/spouses do that would possibly have helped me

  • Hi DebS72 and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I'm so pleased that your husband's treatment is having such a profound effect on his prostate cancer, although I'm so sorry to hear all that you have been through.

    So many of our members have faced similar difficulties when caring for someone with cancer and know just how difficult it can be to take care of yourself during this time, so you are not alone DebS72, and hopefully some of them will be along soon to let you know more about the support they received on this journey. 

    We're here for you DebS72 and I hope being a part of our community and the support you receive from our members will help with your recovery.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • So sorry to hear this, it's such a difficult thing to experience and nobody really knows how they'd cope until they experience it. I've been going through the cancer journey with my partner (31 male), for 3 years now. I'm (29 female) and it's tough. People said the same to me, you are so strong, you are doing so well, you are his rock etc but I found I am fine during treatment, appointments etc it hits me when he is in remission which has been twice now.

    Last year, he went into remission after a stem cell transplant in Jan and March I started therapy. I had 6 sessions through his oncology team on the NHS, I have also paid privately for therapy to help me. It really does help to speak to someone who understands what you are going through. I would speak to his team/consultants and ask what support they can offer for family. I didn't even know it was a thing when we were going through it, but it did help me. Xx

  • Thank you so much Steph..i have received another response below so so grateful for people taking the time to reply to mex

  • Offline in reply to SBNS

    Hi..thank you so much for reaching out amd i am so sorry you are going through this too and ar such an early period of your life..cancer really doesn't care who it gets..horrible, just horrible..so unfair.  I went to therapy last year and helped initiallt, then i was getting even more stressed about going so might not have been the right one for me..the oncology team for my husband have never said to me about getting help so might ask going forward. I can get this through my employee assistance so might look to do. My hubby also has CLL and diagnosed as diabetic so getting my head around all this too..just seems so unfair. I hope your partners remission continues and living life to the full..thank you again..feels good to hear from you xx