Mother diagnosed with cervical cancer

Hi everyone,

My mother has recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer - no treatment has been started yet as she unfortunately keeps taking infections and therfore has to be admitted to hospital.

I fear the cancer will spread further, we know where it is but as yet there is no staging (advanced is the word that seems to be mentioned frequently).

If the infections keep mum from getting chemo, what really would be the next step - pallative?

  • Hello Lollypoppy83, 

    I am so sorry to hear that your mum has been diagnosed with cervical cancer - the news must have come as a shock to you and it must be a time of uncertainty as you are waiting to find out more about her treatment options. It's such a shame that these infections are preventing her from starting treatment and that she had to be admitted to hospital. It's completely normal in the meantime to be scared that the cancer will spread and I can imagine you really want to find out more as soon as possible regarding staging for example or any other relevant information about her diagnosis and treatment options. 

    There is detailed information on our website on cervical cancer which I hope you will find helpful. It seems to me like you are still waiting to find out the details relating to the diagnosis so it's difficult to know really what the next steps might be. No one has mentioned the word 'palliative' though so hopefully once your mum has fought these infections, you will be able to find out more about her diagnosis, staging and treatment plan. It must be really frustrating for you not to have all the pieces of the puzzle yet regarding her diagnosis and if you ever wanted to ask our cancer nurses anything, don't hesitate to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that you will hear from the experiences of others on this forum who have been affected by cervical cancer and that they will be happy to share their stories with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Lucie,

    Thank you so much for replying and providing me with added information to read through - this is very helpful and much appreciated.

    I may give the cancer nurses a telephone as you have suggested.  I have found out today, the cancer is advanced but would need to speak with the oncologist for staging and what the next steps will be.

    Again thank you and take care....