New diagnosis

Hi there - new to this forum.  My husband was called on Thursday night 8pm by his Doctor saying they think he has a Tumour in his lung.  Back story - June last year he suddenly couldn't catch his breath and breathe properly, out of the blue whilst walking up some stairs whilst at work. This scared him and he went to the doctors, saw a nurse, she said they'd treat it as asthma which the did, it got slightly better.  last couple of months he's been feeling bloated, then about a month ago he started coughing up blood, went to doctors, they sent him for a xray and said there was something there and they would treat it as a chest infection.  He then went for a CT scan and they now think its a tumour.  We havent had anything confirmed yet.  He has been fast tracked. Is it now just a waiting game?  Hes strong (bit overweight) 60 years old smoked and then vaped for years and years, gave up smoking about 6 years ago, vaped then but gave that up after the breathlessness episode so since June '24   What happens now, we are devasted obviously and just need to know what we're dealing with.

  • Hello Beeglass and welcome to Cancer Chat,

    It's difficult to know what happens next without further tests and a diagnosis, but in the meantime the waiting can be very nerve-wracking and I can imagine how you and your husband are feeling. However, it's important to remember that when you worry too much, it can only end up increasing anxiety. There are ways to coping with waiting for news on our website, which I hope will be helpful.

    I hope the next appointments go ok. Keep us updated and do raise any questions or concerns with the doctors.

    All the best to you both,

    Moderator Anastasia