Starting treatment for lymphoma

My husband was diagnosed with lymphoma 5 years ago. He has needed to start treatment and is now on day 8. He is really good one minute and the next so angry and cross. Adjusting to this new way of life is tough. I know there are so many causes for this and I fully sympathise. I am already however finding this really hard. How do people get through this? Time and patience? 

  • Hello GinnyBS, 

    It's terrible sometimes the effect cancer and cancer treatment can have and it's not unusual for someone who is going through cancer treatment to experience these mood swings going from being good one minute to feeling upset, angry and cross. It's so hard for the loved ones who just feel totally powerless and as you say it can be hard to adjust to this new way of life. It can be difficult sometimes to find the causes for this or to know how to make it all better. There is no magic recipe sadly but I think trusting your instinct and intuition can go a long way as you know your husband better than anyone and will know the little things or gestures that might cheer him up a little. You will find that people have different coping strategies or ways of getting through this and I hope that you will hear from other members of our forum who have also supported a loved one through cancer treatment and that they will share with you what worked best for them, whether it was time, patience or anything else that helped.

    We have information on our website for family, friends and carers which includes this page on how to support someone with cancer but also - and that page is also very important - a section on taking care of yourself which is also crucial and making sure you are taking a moment to breathe yourself will help you find the strength to support your husband as well. So don't feel guilty about taking this precious time for yourself as I am sure other members of our community who have been in a similar place will tell you. 

    Wishing your husband the very best of luck for the next days of treatment. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator