Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Hi. I'm new on this site. My mum has been diagnosed with BC and is recovering from a mastectomy and removal of 6 lymph nodes . She has started taking Letrozole - which is making her feel unwell - and has now been told she will be mapped out this week for radiotherapy. She is 80 and I am concerned how she will cope with this. Is there anyone out there who has experienced this at a similar age. I would love to hear how you coped and is it worth having the treatment? What is the usual length of treatment?

Many thanks, very worried daughter. 

  • Hello Cxxxx

    I'm sorry to hear that your Mum has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm sure it has been a worrying time for you both. 

    I know from the many posts I read here on the forum that lots of women struggle with medications such as Letrozole. Hopefully, the side effects your Mum is experiencing will settle within a short time or it may be that she finds a different brand of Letrozole that suits her better. Do talk with her breast care team about the problems that she is experiencing. 

    We have some information about radiotherapy for breast cancer on our website which may be helpful. Again I'd encourage you to talk with the team about any concerns that you have regarding this proposed treatment and the risks versus benefits. Hopefully, they will be able to give you both some reassurance. 

    If you would prefer to chat with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I will have a look at the links you have suggested and thanks for offer of reaching out to your nurses. I know it is going to be a difficult journey but knowing there is someone to speak with is of great comfort. I wish you well.


  • Hi Cxxxx, sorry to hear that your mum has breast cancer. My mum had to have a lumpectomy in her 80's and also had radiotherapy. She sailed through it, just found going every day very tiring. She had 15 sessions, just on weekdays. I myself went through radiotherapy in December and also found going everyday a bit tiring. The radiotherapy itself is quite quick and is painless. They advise you on creams for any skin reactions and are very reassuring. I'm sure your mum will be very well looked after. My mum and myself both take letrazole and only side effects have been a few aching joints. I wish your mum well moving forward. Xx