My mum deteriorated in 24 hours not communicating and being sick plus more, she was due for a blood transfusion the next day due to low HG. The hospice at home team were brilliant and honest. If mum doesn’t go to hospital for fluids she may not be able to have the transfusion however if she goes to hospital she runs the risk of dying in hospital. They made no decision because it’s not their place to. Luckily mum was still with it so I asked her if she wanted to go to hospital and she agreed. Mum has a perforated bowl and unfortunately nothing has worked!
now all she’s asking everyone that visits her”please take me home” I want her home to for fill her wishes but she’s so poorly
she’s been moved to a palliative ward and although she’s not with it all the time she expresses that she wants to come home
i have no idea what to do for the best