Sudden sleeping

My husband has Small Cell with distant mets (liver kidney oesophogus). He was only diagnosed in mid December, had first lot of Chemo and Immunotherapy 2 weeks ago. He's been fine with it, no sickness, no hair loss. It was diagnosed via scans after his sodium levels dropped very low (111) blood pressure went through the roof , stopped eating and drinking and he was delirious. Got tablets which raised the sodium levels and he seemed quite well.

However, the sodium tablets are finished and although he's eating etc quite well (lost 17kg) he's falling asleep almost non stop these past couple of days. Just can't keep his eyes open. I don't want to bother his GP but am quite worried. What do you suggest? Or is this maybe normal?

He won't go to AnE as when this started at the end of October, I took him there with high BP (224/112) and the nurse dismissed him sharply saying AnE was NOT the place for HBP to see his GP. He was so ill, embarrassed and upset says he'll never go there again even though his GP surgery have assured him she has been reprimanded for this poor attitude and if out of surgery hours he must go if he's ill. We have a first meeting with Macmillan nurse this week.

PS we know it's terminal.

  • I'd definitely link with the GP, just for some advice...or do you have a cancer helpline to call? (You should have one especially with imunotherapy (my mum has) )  The tiredness could be normal, linked to the treatment etc... Is he on pain meds? Morphine etc, it makes my mum very tired! 

  • Thank you for replying. 

    I'll maybe contact his GP today and see what he thinks. This excessive sleeping started when the sodium tablets finished but could just be a coincidence.

    Yes I've got a phone number but he doesn't like bothering people or any fuss. 

    No he's not on morphine but is on various painkillers (Pregabalin and Amitriptyline) due to a serious neck and back operation last year which left him semi paralysed.